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Syllabus Training for

Orange Belt (8th Kyu)

Minimum Grading Requirements

3 months training period and 10 lessons

It is possible to double grade from red belt straight to yellow belt. The student must complete all three grading elements (Kihon, Kata, and Kumite) to a distinction standard. They must also be able to complete their orange belt kata (Heian Nidan) to a credit standard as set out in the grading for yellow belt 7th kyu syllabus.

Kihon (Basics)

  1. Gedan Barai x 3 Forward Steps (groin block)
  2. Age Uke x 3 Backward Steps (head block)
  3. Soto Uke x 3 Forward Steps / Turn (outside block)
  4. Shuto Uke in Kokutsu Dachi x 3 Forward Steps / Turn (knife-hand block in back stance)
  5. Oi Zuki x 3 Forward Steps / Turn (front punch)
  6. Gyaku Zuki x 3 Forward Steps / Yame (reverse punch) (stop/finish)
  7. Mae Geri x 3 Forward Steps / Yame (front kick) (stop/finish)
  8. Yoko Geri Kekomi x 3 in Kiba Dachi / Turn and repeat (side thrust kick) (horse stance)
  9. Yoko Geri Keage x 3 in Kiba Dachi / Turn and repeat (side snap kick) (horse stance)

Kata (Forms)

Heian Shodan

Kumite (Sparring)

Sanbon Kumite

3-step sparring, head and stomach

Attack: Jodan (head punch) x3
Defence: Age Uke (head block) x3

Attack: Chudan (stomach punch) x3
Defence: Soto Uke (outside block) x3

Shotokan Assessment Criteria

Please note that the student must meet all the requirements within a section to be awarded that mark.


  • Kihon (Basics) (90% or higher)

    The student completes their techniques without assistance.

    The student performs their techniques to a high standard. Their movements are consistently developed, powerful, fast and with good timing.

    The student is focused and demonstrates intensity within their moves.

  • Kata (Form) (90% or higher)

    The student completes their kata independently without count or assistance, with the correct techniques in the correct order in the correct directions.

    The student demonstrates a high level of technical proficiency. Their movements are correct, powerful, fast, and consistent.

    The student is focused and demonstrates intensity within their kata.

  • Kumite (Sparring) (90% or higher)

    The student completes their sparring without assistance.

    The student demonstrates a high level of form, with consistent speed, power, and timing.

    The student is fully engaged with their partner, they consistently maintain good distance, targeting, and eye contact.

    The student demonstrates focus, intent, and intensity whilst maintaining good control.


  • Kihon (Basics) (80-89%)

    The student completes the techniques without assistance.

    The student demonstrates mostly good, developed form with some power, speed, and timing.

    The student is generally focused.

  • Kata (Form) (80-89%)

    The student completes their kata to count without assistance, with the correct techniques in the correct order in the correct directions.

    The student demonstrates good form with some power, speed, and timing.


    The student completes their kata independently with a basic level of technique.

  • Kumite (Sparring) (80-89%)

    The student completes their sparring without assistance.

    The student demonstrates good form, with some power, speed, and timing.

    The student shows some good levels of engagement with the partner. They maintain the correct distance, target , and eye contact.


  • Kihon (Basics) (70-79%)

    The student completes the required techniques with assistance.

    The student demonstrates a basic understanding of form.

  • Kata (Form) (70-79%)

    The student completes their kata to count with assistance, with the correct techniques in the correct order in the correct directions.

    The student demonstrates a basic level of technical proficiency in their kata.

  • Kumite (Sparring) (70-79%)

    The student completes their sparring with assistance.

    The student demonstrates a basic understanding of form.

    The student demonstrates basic engagement with their partner.


  • Kihon (Basics) (69% or lower)

    The student cannot complete the techniques they are asked to demonstrate with assistance after three attempts.

  • Kata (Form) (69% or lower)

    The student cannot complete their kata with assistance after three attempts.

  • Kumite (Sparring) (69% or lower)

    The student cannot complete their sparring with assistance after three attempts.


The Dojo Norwich
3 Burton Road
Norwich, Norfolk

+44 (0)1603 418751


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A professional karate club based in East Anglia, headed by Chief Instructor Jason Hitchings, 6th Dan. We are dedicated to teaching traditional Shotokan Karate to the very highest standard.

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