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Syllabus Training for

Yellow T-Shirt Tiny Tigers

Minimum Grading Requirements

3 months training period and 10 lessons

Tiny Tigers Basic Moves

  1. Front Punch Head Height x 3 stepping forward in front stance
  2. Front Punch Stomach Height x 3 stepping forward in front stance
  3. Head Block x 3 stepping forward in front stance
  4. Outside Block x 3 stepping forward in front stance
  5. Groin Block x 3 stepping forward in front stance
  6. Front Kick x 3 stepping forward in front stance
  7. Side Kick x 3 stepping forward in horse stance / Turn & repeat other leg

Tiny Tigers Break-Falls

  1. Forward Roll x 2
  2. Front Break-Fall / Forward Roll & Standing Position x 2
  3. Back Break-Fall / Backward Roll & Standing Position x 2

Tiny Tigers Partner Work

  1. Head Punch / Head Block x 3
  2. Ground Wrestling

Tiny Tigers Exercises

  1. Press-Up x 10
  2. Sit-Up & Wave x 10

Tiny Tigers Assessment Criteria

Please note that you must meet all the requirements within a section to be awarded that mark.


  • Basic Moves

    I can:

    • Perform my basic moves by myself.
    • Perform my basic moves correctly with good preparation, power, and concentration.
    • Make a strong front stance that I can continue to show as I perform my moves.
    • Complete my press-ups and sit-ups.
  • Break-Falls

    I can:

    • Perform my break-falls by myself.
    • Perform my rolls in a straight line.
    • Perform my front break-fall with only my hands, elbows and toes touching the mat and my bellybutton in line with my starting line.
    • Perform my backwards break-fall with my bottom, then my back, then my hands touching the mat whilst keeping my chin tucked to my chest.
    • Keep my legs tucked to one side of my head as I swing them over to perform a backwards roll.
    • Make only one step up from my front break-fall to my forwards roll.
    • Perform my rolls and break-falls correctly with good speed and concentration.
  • Partner Work

    I can:

    • Wrestle with my partner safely.
    • Show good technique (pushing, leaning, and twisting) when wrestling with my partner.
    • Focus on my partner while wrestling with them.
    • Perform my punches and blocks safely with my partner and demonstrate good technique and focus on my partner.


  • Basic Moves

    I can:

    • Perform my basic moves by myself.
    • Perform my basic moves correctly with some good preparation and power.
    • Make a strong front stance.
    • Complete my press-ups and sit-ups.
  • Break-Falls

    I can:

    • Perform my rolls break-falls by myself.
    • Perform my break-falls and rolls with some examples of good technique. For example, I may show some of the following. My forward rolls and backwards rolls are in a straight line. Only my hands, elbows, and toes are touching the mat and my bellybutton may be in line with my starting line for my front break-fall. For my backwards break-fall, I make sure my bottom, then my back, then my hands touching the mat whilst keeping my chin tucked to my chest. I may also be able to move from my front break-fall to forwards roll by only taking one step. For my backward rolls, I can keep my legs tucked to one side of my head as I swing them over.
  • Partner Work

    I can:

    • Wrestle with my partner safely.
    • Show some good technique (pushing, leaning, and twisting) when wrestling with my partner.
    • Perform my punches and blocks safely and demonstrate some good technique.


  • Basic Moves

    I can:

    • Perform my basic moves and make a front stance with some help.
    • Complete my press-ups and sit-ups.
  • Break-Falls

    I can:

    • Perform my rolls and break-falls with some help.
  • Partner Work

    I can:

    • Wrestle with my partner safely.
    • Perform my punches and blocks safely.


The Dojo Norwich
3 Burton Road
Norwich, Norfolk

+44 (0)1603 418751


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A professional karate club based in East Anglia, headed by Chief Instructor Jason Hitchings, 6th Dan. We are dedicated to teaching traditional Shotokan Karate to the very highest standard.

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