Syllabus Training for
10 months training period, 80 lessons and 10 TSKUK official stamps* (compulsory) 3 must be within the 10-month period leading up to the grading. Once a week attendance at the pre-grading classes on Mondays and Thursdays in the month leading up to the grading. Minimum age requirements: 9 years old. Instructors authorisation. Students must demonstrate an upgrading of quality in stance, speed and power. Kata should be performed without mistakes and using tempo, continuation and transmission of power. Kumite should be accurate in offence and demonstrate effective defence and counter-attack. *Members joining from other organisations at 1st Kyu level are only required to obtain 5 TSKUK official stamps (3 must still be within the 10-month period leading up to the grading).
All from Gedan Barai (groin block)
Bassai Dai
Kanku Dai
Heian Shodan
Heian Nidan
Heian Sandan
Heian Yondan
Heian Godan
Tekki Shodan
One-Attack Semi-Free Sparring from Jiyu Kamae
Attacks: Jodan Oi Zuki (head lunge punch), Chudan Oi Zuki (stomach lunge punch), Mae Geri (front kick), Mawashi Geri (roundhouse kick), Ushiro Geri (back kick)
Free Sparring
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