Syllabus Training for
3 months training period and 20 lessons
Heian Yondan
All attacks and blocks must be performed on one side only (both attacks and blocks will be performed from the left side).
One-Attack Sparring
Attack: Jodan (head punch)
Defence: Age Uke (head block) / counter Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch)
Attack: Chudan (stomach punch)
Defence: Soto Uke (outside block) / counter Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch)
Attack: Mae Geri (front kick)
Defence: Gedan Barai (groin block) / counter Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch)
Attack: Yoko Geri (side thrust kick)
Defence: Soto Uke (outside block) / counter Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch)
Attack: Mawashi Geri (roundhouse kick)
Defence: Uchi Uke (inside block) / counter Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch)
Please note that the student must meet all the requirements within a section to be awarded that mark.
The student completes the techniques independently.
The student performs their techniques to a high standard. Their movements are consistently developed, powerful, fast and with good timing.
The student demonstrates consistent and fully developed body dynamics when performing their techniques.
The student is focused and demonstrates intensity within their moves.
The student completes their kata independently.
The student must demonstrate a good understanding of movements within the kata. Each movement must be consistently fully developed and performed to the correct target.
The student must demonstrate five or six of the following criteria, one of which must be technique:
The student completes their sparring independently.
The student demonstrates five or six of the following criteria:
The student completes the required techniques independently.
The student demonstrates mostly good, developed form with some power, speed, and timing.
The student demonstrates good body dynamics when performing some of their techniques.
The student is focused.
The student completes their kata independently.
The student must demonstrate a good understanding of movements within the kata. Each movement must be consistently fully developed and performed to the correct target.
The student must demonstrate three or four of the following criteria:
The student completes their sparring independently.
The student demonstrates three or four of the following criteria:
The student completes the required techniques independently.
The student demonstrates a basic understanding of form.
The student demonstrates some small, simple body dynamics when performing their techniques. For example, their hips are closed when punching, and open when blocking.
The student is generally focused.
The student completes their kata independently without a count or support, with the correct techniques in the correct order in the correct directions.
The student must demonstrate a basic understanding of movements within the kata. Some movements are fully developed and performed to the correct target.
The student may demonstrate one or two of the following criteria:
The student completes their sparring independently.
The student demonstrates one or two of the following criteria:
The student cannot complete the techniques they are asked to demonstrate with support after three attempts.
The student cannot complete their kata with support after three attempts.
The student cannot complete their sparring with support after three attempts.
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