March 30, 2020
Hi to all the ESKA members, families and friends, I hope very one is well and taking care of yourself and each other during these unusual and difficult times.
The ESKA Virtual Dojo lessons via Zoom are now being brought to you live each day and it has been truly fantastic to see so many members joining in. If you miss one for any reason, or you would like to revisit a session, they are also on the ESKA YouTube channel, which can be found HERE.
To download Zoom visit
You don’t need to create a profile, just enter our Meeting ID, which is 890 147 5767. This should be the same for every class. Please log on around 10 minutes before the class starts, to make sure you are set up and ready to go. The content for each class is aimed at the groups above, but everyone is welcome, so feel free to join in with all the classes!
Monday 30th March at 4pm – Intermediate/Higher Grade Kumite with Sensei Jason
Tuesday 31st March at 4pm – Tiny Tigers Kihon with Sensei Dan
Wednesday 1st April at 4pm – Intermediate/Higher Grade Kihon with Sensei Dave
Thursday 2nd April at 4pm – Tiny Tiger Breakfalls with Sensei Nathan
Friday 3rd April at 4pm – Blackbelt Kumite with Sensei Dan
Saturday 4th April at 10am – Lower Grade Kihon with Sensei Jason
Sunday 5th April at 10am – Intermediate/Higher Grade Kata with Sensei Dave
We will also be releasing details about how members can get involved in some upcoming events. These will include;
Best home training photo competition
Karate Quiz
…But we are going to start off with a Online kata competition starting Tuesday 31st March 2020!
Here are the categories and details of how to enter. There will be medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place entries which will be posted out to you after the results are released.
White – Orange Belt
Yellow – Purple and White Belt
Brown Belt
Black Belt
White – Orange Belt
Yellow – Purple and White Belt
Brown Belt
Black Belt
Good luck – Osu
Jason Sensei will be continuing the instructor training sessions virtually – every Monday evening at 6pm. This will ensure the ESKA Instructors are continuing their development ready for when normal class can hopefully resume soon.
During our closure of classes, the ESKA team will still have access to emails and will be able respond to all queries. We will also continue to post updates via our Social Media platforms:
Facebook HERE
Instagram HERE
Most importantly, we are very grateful for your continuing support in these uncertain times and hope that you and your loved ones remain safe and well.
ESKA Karate
Copyright © 2025 ESKA all rights reserved |
by Accent | Affiliated to